Monday Musings Podcast

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

291 episodes of Monday Musings Podcast since the first episode, which aired on January 6th, 2020.

  • Episode 361: What Are You Doing Tomorrow?

    November 4th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  16 mins 8 secs
    author, biblestudy, books, christ, church, denisehildrethjones, denisejones, devotion, faith, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    I keep our musings focused on the heart of our Heavenly Father. Yet, every four years an election rolls around and it feels important to speak to it. Some of you may be on the fence on whether you even want to vote. I made this more for your heart. I hope you will find it encouraging. It is longer than most, but times are different than any other. So, it feels important.

  • Episode 360: Obeying the Promptings of the Holy Spirit

    October 28th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  7 mins 28 secs
    author, biblestudy, books, christ, church, denisehildrethjones, denisejones, devotion, faith, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    When is the last time the Holy Spirit has tugged on your heart to call that person? Or invite that person to church? Or pray for that stranger at the grocery store? Have you obeyed? Distracted yourself instead with your phone? Given your heart multiple excuses as to why it isn't a good idea? This is a beautiful and powerful story God used in my own life in a very specific way. I think your heart will be encouraged and challenged today.

  • Episode 359: Leaving Her Water Jug

    October 21st, 2024  |  Season 5  |  6 mins
    author, biblestudy, books, christ, church, denisehildrethjones, denisejones, devotion, faith, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    The story of the Samaritan woman that Jesus meets at the well is one most of us know. Denise shared this message recently, and this is an excerpt of when Jesus finally reveals Himself to her.

  • Episode 358: Seeing God in the Storms...

    October 14th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  6 mins 29 secs
    author, biblestudy, books, christ, church, denisehildrethjones, denisejones, devotion, faith, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    What a couple week's we have witnessed through these devastating storms. I'm having trouble shaking it, so I thought maybe we could talk about it together.

  • Episode 249: Giving When It Is Hard

    October 7th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  4 mins 17 secs
    author, biblestudy, books, christ, church, denisehildrethjones, denisejones, devotion, faith, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    Just when the price of groceries and gas and essentials of life began to take our breath away, then came the devastating storms of Helene. Add to that many are saying, "Make sure you have months of food on hand and are able to survive if there is a crisis." Moments like these can leave your head spinning and your heart grasping for what feels like safety.

    Often, it is in times of threat we hold onto things tighter. I know many of you have given extravagantly to victims of Hurricane Helene even if things at home have been tight for you. My prayer is, that even if things get tighter or harder still, our hands will stay perpetually open. Everything we have, including our resources, have been given to us to steward. They are not ours. And giving is ultimately a reflection of our heart and where our trust lies. May this previous musing encourage you today to keep your heart and your hands open I pray.

  • Episode 357: How Does Your Garden Grow?

    September 30th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  5 mins 51 secs
    author, biblestudy, books, christ, church, denisehildrethjones, denisejones, devotion, faith, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    My friend recently shared from her garden. It made me stop and consider what people are able to pick from mine.

  • Episode 356: Oh, That Memory

    September 23rd, 2024  |  Season 5  |  5 mins 41 secs
    author, biblestudy, books, christ, church, denisehildrethjones, denisejones, devotion, faith, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    The older I get, the more I forget. But, this week, I talk about the importance of guarding our heart through remembering.

  • Episode 355: Permission to Grieve

    September 16th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  6 mins 50 secs
    author, biblestudy, books, christ, church, denisehildrethjones, denisejones, devotion, faith, god, grief, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    I'm grieving the arrival of Fall. I'm also grieving things far less trivial. What do you do with your grief? Do you stuff it down? Think it may overwhelm you if it shows up? Let's talk about grief today. I think you may be surprised.

  • Episode 354: What If Bigger Storms Come?

    September 9th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  4 mins 1 sec
    author, biblestudy, books, christ, church, denisehildrethjones, denisejones, devotion, faith, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    The last four years have brought us some powerful storms. What if greater storms are on the horizon? Is your faith tethered to the foundation that is Jesus?

  • Episode 353: The Value of Salt

    September 2nd, 2024  |  Season 5  |  8 mins 14 secs
    author, biblestudy, books, christ, church, denisehildrethjones, denisejones, devotion, faith, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    Have you ever eaten something without enough salt? This is our topic on today's Monday Musing.

  • Episode 352: Your Father's Sending Off Message

    August 26th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  5 mins 56 secs
    author, biblestudy, books, christ, church, denisehildrethjones, denisejones, devotion, faith, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    There are some moments in Scripture you read that feel like Jesus is wanting to make sure we are looking Him straight in the eye. The end of the Sermon on the Mount is one of those moments.

  • Episode 351: Do You Need An "I Must?"

    August 19th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  5 mins 5 secs
    author, biblestudy, books, christ, church, denisehildrethjones, denisejones, devotion, faith, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    What would having an "I Must" from Jesus do for your decision making? For your social media posting? For your heart? Today, I talk about how Philly and I first heard this message and how we have brought it into our lives and our stories.

  • Episode 350: Are You Being Stolen From?

    August 12th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  5 mins 37 secs
    author, biblestudy, books, christ, church, denisehildrethjones, denisejones, devotion, faith, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    Sometimes you have to get aggressive with the enemy, just like we did with the deer and the sun.

  • Episode 347: Slow Down

    July 29th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  5 mins 39 secs
    author, biblestudy, books, christ, church, denisehildrethjones, denisejones, devotion, faith, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    Pause for a minute today and pay attention to your breathing, or your heart rate, or how quickly you are eating your food. Have we deceived ourselves that a frantic way of living is the new normal? If we have, we will miss the most valuable thing in this life. The voice of our Heavenly Father.

  • Episode 346: The Heart of Anger

    July 22nd, 2024  |  Season 5  |  5 mins 12 secs
    author, biblestudy, books, christ, church, denisehildrethjones, denisejones, devotion, faith, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    We live in such a verbal vitriolic age, having no appreciation for the damage it does or how Jesus sees it. Let's ponder those things together on this Monday morning.

  • Episode 345: Rules or Relationship?

    July 15th, 2024  |  Season 5  |  5 mins 11 secs
    author, biblestudy, books, christ, church, denisehildrethjones, denisejones, devotion, faith, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    In the Christian experience, rules can be so much easier. The deception in that; however, leaves our hearts exceptionally unguarded. Let's talk about that this week from a message I recently delivered in Georgia.