Monday Musings Podcast

Reclaiming Hearts Ministries

About the show

Reclaiming Hearts Monday Musings Podcast


  • Episode 168: Worship Your Way to Freedom

    March 1st, 2021  |  Season 2  |  4 mins 18 secs
    bible, bible study, church, devotional, god, jesus

    Worship has a power in spiritual warfare that is often underestimated. Yet in a moment it can release your heart from the heaviness you may be feeling.

  • Episode 167: Are You Living Under God’s Umbrella of Protection?

    February 22nd, 2021  |  Season 2  |  5 mins 43 secs
    bible, bible study, church, devotional, god, jesus

    Do you feel like nothing is working out well right now in your life? That anything that could go wrong is going wrong? Leaving you weary? Confused? Could it be that you’ve stepped outside of His umbrella of protection because you are no longer submitted to His purposes and plans?

  • Episode 166: How Do You War for the Hearts of Your Children?

    February 15th, 2021  |  Season 2  |  5 mins 20 secs
    bible, bible study, church, devotional, god, jesus

    It has become even more clear that the hearts of our children are in a war zone from the womb
    to the college dorm room and everywhere in between. No greater responsibility exists in this
    life as a parent than raising our children.

  • Episode 165: Your Heart Lives in a War Zone. What Weapons Are You Using for Your War?

    February 8th, 2021  |  Season 2  |  5 mins 44 secs
    bible, bible study, church, devotional, god, jesus

    Even with a new year there are a lot of battles raging right now. But, you and I as followers of
    Christ are given some powerful weapons.

  • Episode 164: Do You Even Know What the Enemy Is Stealing From You?

    February 1st, 2021  |  Season 2  |  6 mins 2 secs
    bible, bible study, church, devotional, god, jesus

    No one ever begins a lifestyle of sin by jumping right in. Usually, it happens increment by increment. A poor decision here, a dangerous decision there. Until eventually what was just a moment of the enemy trying to steal from us becomes a place of real destruction in our lives.

  • Episode 163: Are You Aware of the Angels All Around?

    January 25th, 2021  |  Season 2  |  6 mins 58 secs
    bible, bible study, church, devotional, god, jesus

    Over and over scripture reveals how involved angels are in this cosmic battle that we live.

  • Episode 162: Do You Even Know the Cosmic Battle in Which You Live?

    January 18th, 2021  |  Season 2  |  6 mins 21 secs
    bible, bible study, church, devotional, god, jesus

    One of the greatest deceptions the enemy has gotten our hearts to believe is that we are natural beings living in some spiritual world. But, that is the complete opposite of what is true.

  • Episode 161: Just In Case You Forgot, You Are a Conqueror!”

    January 11th, 2021  |  Season 2  |  4 mins 49 secs
    bible, bible study, church, devotional, god, jesus

    Often, we forget that every single promise in the Bible is ours. As a follower of Christ, we hold possession to those promises. And one of those promises is that we are conquerors over all the things that come into our life that battle for our peace, our hearts, our minds and our joy.

  • Episode 160: Recalibrating as We Begin a New Year

    January 4th, 2021  |  Season 2  |  5 mins 27 secs
    bible, bible study, church, devotional, god, jesus

    As we step into this beginning of a New Year it feels like much of 2020 is still going with us. But what if we offered up the first of our year in a new way to recalibrate our hearts.

  • Episode 159: The Old Is Going, but Did the New Come?

    December 28th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  6 mins 8 secs
    bible, bible study, church, devotional, god, jesus
  • Episode 158: The Lukewarm Church

    December 21st, 2020  |  Season 1  |  11 mins 37 secs
    bible, bible study, church, devotional, god, jesus

    We’ve heard of this church many times. The one Jesus couldn’t tolerate. The one He wanted to throw up. Wow! That’s serious coming from Jesus, but it is also reflective of the church of the final age before He returns. This one. The one we live in now. In this final church, The Church of Laodicea, Jesus calls them The Lukewarm Church.

  • Episode 157: The Faithful Church

    December 14th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  7 mins 59 secs
    bible, bible study, church, devotional, god, jesus

    What could be more beautiful than Jesus calling you faithful? One church, The Church of Philadelphia, was a standout in its faithfulness.

  • Episode 156: The Dead Church

    December 7th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  8 mins 37 secs
    bible, bible study, church, devotional, god, jesus

    In the fifth letter to the church, Jesus addresses The Church of Sardis, whom he called The Dead Church. How sad to have been once alive and then have Jesus look at us and call us dead; especially when the enemy is standing at the gate.

  • Episode 155: The Corrupt Church

    November 30th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  10 mins 21 secs
    bible, bible study, church, devotional, god, jesus

    In this 4th letter to the churches in the book of Revelation Jesus addresses those who have allowed a Jezebel spirit to enter their midst. This spirit worshipped the god of Baal whose anger could only be satisfied by the shedding of the blood of children.

  • Episode 154: The Compromising Church

    November 23rd, 2020  |  Season 1  |  10 mins 51 secs
    bible, bible study, church, devotional

    Jesus called, The Church of Pergamum, The Compromising Church. This church had held to its faith but allowed places of compromise to get in without getting rid of them quickly.

  • Episode 153: The Persecuted Church

    November 16th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  7 mins 3 secs
    bible, church, devotional

    In the second letter to the Church of Smyrna – known as “The Persecuted Church” we have some insight into how Jesus sees it.