Monday Musings Podcast
Reclaiming Hearts Ministries
We found 10 episodes of Monday Musings Podcast with the tag “author”.
Episode 225: Can There Be A Blessing In Mourning?
March 28th, 2022 | Season 3 | 5 mins 24 secs
author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts
I recently lost my Shih Tzu, Sophie, and had such deep grief. This Beatitude came at the perfect time.
Episode 223: How is Your Frame?
March 14th, 2022 | Season 3 | 5 mins 6 secs
author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts
The Sermon on the Mount starts with the Be-Attitudes. The attitudes we should be. Imagine that they are the frame that begins the building process of our house in order to build stormproof.
Episode 222: The Faulty Foundation of Fear
March 7th, 2022 | Season 3 | 5 mins 47 secs
author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts
How has fear ruled you over the last few years? Could it be you’ve actually laid a foundation of fear where now it is how all your decisions are made? Listen this morning so we can realize how dangerous it is and how to uproot it.
Episode 221: The Faulty Foundation of Religion
February 28th, 2022 | Season 3 | 4 mins 34 secs
author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts
Religion is so much easier than relationship. That’s why so many choose it. But we will never have a stormproof life with it.
Episode 218: When Work Is Our God
February 7th, 2022 | Season 3 | 4 mins 16 secs
author, bible study, christian, denise jones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, monday musings, reclaiming hearts
Covid has changed everything about the way we work. For some it has even changed whether we are working at all. It is exposing whether we have laid a foundation out of our work instead of the fact that we are a workmanship.
Episode 264: What If There's More?
January 2nd, 2022 | Season 3 | 19 secs
author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts