Monday Musings Podcast
Reclaiming Hearts Ministries
We found 10 episodes of Monday Musings Podcast with the tag “god”.
Episode 156: The Dead Church
December 7th, 2020 | Season 1 | 8 mins 37 secs
bible, bible study, church, devotional, god, jesus
In the fifth letter to the church, Jesus addresses The Church of Sardis, whom he called The Dead Church. How sad to have been once alive and then have Jesus look at us and call us dead; especially when the enemy is standing at the gate.
Episode 155: The Corrupt Church
November 30th, 2020 | Season 1 | 10 mins 21 secs
bible, bible study, church, devotional, god, jesus
In this 4th letter to the churches in the book of Revelation Jesus addresses those who have allowed a Jezebel spirit to enter their midst. This spirit worshipped the god of Baal whose anger could only be satisfied by the shedding of the blood of children.