Monday Musings Podcast

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

291 episodes of Monday Musings Podcast since the first episode, which aired on January 6th, 2020.

  • Episode 152: The Loveless Church

    November 9th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  13 mins 22 secs
  • Episode 151: My Tsunami Dream

    November 2nd, 2020  |  Season 1  |  10 mins 29 secs

    Before COVID shut down our nation the Lord gave me a dream about a Tsunami. I have prayed about what he was speaking to me. Today I wanted to share that with you.

  • Episode 150: Personal Conversation Between Friends

    October 26th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  8 mins 50 secs

    Today, I simply felt led to share from my heart to yours...

  • Episode 149: Take Heart! Jesus Has Conquered the World!

    October 19th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  7 mins 14 secs
  • Episode 148: Looking a Lot More Like Egypt...

    October 12th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  9 mins 23 secs

    The enemy is a master at convincing us that one little moment of sin, is just that, a moment. Because he never shows us what it can lead to, or the wreckage that it can bring. The Israelites never thought that the disobedient act of inter-marrying would lead to killing their children. But Satan never reveals the cost of sin. Let's take a few moments today to make sure we aren't allowing our own hearts to look like the culture we are living in either.

  • Episode 147: Have You Ever Fully Died?

    October 5th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  9 mins 8 secs

    Are you wondering why you aren’t living that abundant life God has designed for you? Or why your life isn’t reproducing fruit? There is a principle and power found in dying that we often don’t like to talk about. But what we miss is that it is in the dying where real living is found.

  • Episode 146: Miracle Mercies

    September 28th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  9 mins 50 secs

    One of the reasons I do what I do is because it is hard to keep quiet all that God has redeemed, restored, and reclaimed in the pain that is my story. And some days it is powerful for us to stop and remember exactly what He brought us from and how He has set us free...

  • Episode 145: Praying Instead of Tweeting

    September 21st, 2020  |  8 mins 23 secs

    Praying Instead of Tweeting

  • Episode 144: Are You Afraid of the Holy Spirit?

    September 14th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  9 mins 19 secs

    Are You Afraid of the Holy Spirit?

    For many of us the mere mention of the word "Holy Spirit" scares us. But what are we missing when we forfeit this beautiful gift that is the Holy Spirit. Who is God in Spirit form, available to live on the inside of us. What a holy privilege. Yet, for many of us we don't understand him, let alone access all that he affords. Let's discuss this morning, this indescribable gift we've been given to partner with us in the messiness that is this life.

  • Episode 143: God Knows How to Get the Best Out of You. Really....

    September 7th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  7 mins 24 secs

    Ever wondered why your circumstances could look so different from someone else's. Why they struggle, and you don't? Why you toil, and yet everything they do seems to come easy and without challenge? First, we all have seasons of struggle, and we all have seasons of ease. The power is in realizing that no matter what season we are in, God honestly does know how to get the best out of us if we embrace where we are and allow Him to do what He desires to do.

  • Episode 142: Are You Living in a Divine Interruption

    August 31st, 2020  |  Season 1  |  6 mins 58 secs

    Never before have our lives been so completely interrupted. But what if the interruption had a divine purpose? Would you see it differently? Engage it differently? Be more curious than complaining? Jesus worked miracles often during interruptions. Could He possibly long to do one in yours?

    To receive Monday Musing in your inbox each week subscribe here:

    Mondaymusing #reclaiminghearts

  • Episode 141: How Weary Are You?

    August 24th, 2020  |  8 mins 17 secs

    Some of us haven't felt this weary in a long time. We came into Covid weary. And now, well now, we can't seem to find the energy to put one foot in front of the other. But this is not our inheritance. So, what might be at the real root of your weariness?

  • Episode 139: Do You Feel Like You're Living in the Inbetween?

    August 17th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  6 mins 4 secs
  • Episode 137: Why are you alive now? Here?

    August 10th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  4 mins 3 secs

    Could it really be ordained that you were born when you were? Live where you do? Could it be that God has a specific plan right where you are planted? It's a question worth asking in this unprecedented moment of time.

    Acts 17:26 (ESV)
    And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place,

  • Episode 138: Can Anyone Really Heal this Mess?

    August 3rd, 2020  |  Season 1  |  7 mins 12 secs

    Can Anyone Really Heal this Mess?

    Sometimes you think things might be a little messy. Other times you have no doubt. We are living in one of those moments. In the searching for answers, there is an answer. Take a few moments to listen to the answer that can take every messy place in your life and turn it into the greatest miracle you've ever encountered.

  • Episode 136: Justice and Jesus

    July 27th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  5 mins 9 secs

    Justice and Jesus

    Have you ever considered that justice your heart desires is holy? In fact, God is just. It is his character. So, of course it would be in us because we are made in his image. But the danger is when we separate justice from Jesus which is what the world is trying to do today.