Monday Musings Podcast

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

291 episodes of Monday Musings Podcast since the first episode, which aired on January 6th, 2020.

  • Episode 282: Are You Being Wooed Or Pushed?

    May 1st, 2023  |  Season 4  |  5 mins 27 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    God loves you enough to woo you or push you towards His heart. Are you in either place?

  • Episode 281: The View From The Weeds

    April 24th, 2023  |  Season 4  |  7 mins 56 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    Sometimes, God allows us moments to realize that what seemed like weeds really is Him working in a much larger garden than our singular circumstances. It’s good to know He is a really big God!

  • Episode 280: Do You Want To Be Well?

    April 17th, 2023  |  Season 4  |  9 mins 10 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    What kind of question is that for a lame man? Surely, Jesus was joking. But what if He asked us that question today?

  • Episode 279: Can My Children Make It In This Generation?

    April 10th, 2023  |  Season 4  |  8 mins 38 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    I think today's word is going to really encourage you!

  • Episode 278: The Legend of the Dogwood

    April 3rd, 2023  |  Season 4  |  6 mins 50 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    On this Holy Week, I wanted to share with you the story that is The Legend of the Dogwood. The proposed tree on which Jesus was crucified. I heard this when I was a little girl and it has never left me. I have a feeling it won't ever leave you.

  • Episode 277: The Power of Story

    March 27th, 2023  |  Season 4  |  6 mins 34 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    Everyone loves a good story. We remember them. Share them. Put ourselves in them. This week‘s Monday Musing talks about how sharing stories can be a powerful tool of impact in someone’s life.

  • Episode 276: He Leads Me Beside Still Waters

    March 20th, 2023  |  Season 4  |  5 mins 30 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    In a world that can crush our hearts with weariness, today, let's be reminded of what Jesus really offers us.

  • Episode 275: Come Back To Church

    March 13th, 2023  |  Season 4  |  6 mins 25 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    Often we think there is no real loss for our hearts when we no longer enjoy a Sunday experience with a local church and a body of believers. But we may not realize that God has great intent when we come together, and the necessity of it even more as we get closer to His return.

  • Episode 274: Are We Willing To Miss A Move Of God?

    March 6th, 2023  |  Season 4  |  5 mins 38 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    God is not able to be put in a box. He moves beyond denominations and even beyond our desires. Are we willing to miss Him just to stay comfortable?

  • Episode 273: There's A Little Bit Of Morning Outside

    February 27th, 2023  |  Season 4  |  5 mins 51 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    We should never forget, no matter how dark it may seem right now, with Jesus, there is always a little bit of morning outside.

  • Episode 272: What If There Is More To The Holy Spirit?

    February 20th, 2023  |  Season 4  |  6 mins 34 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    (This musing was recorded on February 8th, one day after the Asbury outpouring began. I did not know at the time what was happening there.) What if there is more to the Holy Spirit?  Would you want it? Are you afraid of it? Do you think it exists? The enemy is leaving nothing in the shadows any longer. You and I have the God of Heaven and earth living on the inside of us. He shouldn't be living in the shadows either. There is more! 

  • Episode 271: How To Hear From God - Especially When The Enemy Comes In Like A Flood

    February 13th, 2023  |  Season 4  |  10 mins 1 sec
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    I was recently asked, how do I know I'm hearing from God? So, I broke down in this week's musing how that happens for me during one of my most fearful moments. I hope this encourages you that God's voice is real, and He is still speaking to the heart of His children today.

  • Episode 270: Discovering Your Spouse

    February 6th, 2023  |  Season 4  |  3 mins 59 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    Often, the longer we are married, we believe there is nothing left to discover about our spouse. That is a dangerous place to be. God is a God who never runs out of wonder! Never! This is the God who makes no two snowflakes the same, and no sunset. So, is it any surprise He has made us so unique that our whole life will afford more to be discovered? Believing this, asking God to give you His eyes for your spouse, may very well change the trajectory of your marriage.

  • Episode 269: The Perils of Pickleball

    January 30th, 2023  |  Season 4  |  8 mins 23 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    I never dreamed when I picked up this sport all God was going to reveal to me and help me reclaim. It has also been a real lesson in human behavior. No matter the age, God is still working things out in our hearts. Sometimes, He can even use the pickleball court.

  • Episode 268: Can God Give Me A Word For My Year?

    January 23rd, 2023  |  Season 4  |  7 mins 40 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    Have you ever set aside some time at the beginning of the year to hear the voice of God? Get a word from Him to govern your year? Today, I'm going to share with you how you can begin to discern if God has a word for you to start out your year.

  • Episode 267: Processing the Disappointment of the Holidays

    January 16th, 2023  |  Season 4  |  7 mins 39 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    Do you have any residual disappointment from the holidays? The person who wasn't there? The painful conversation? The person who never called? I found myself dealing with lingering disappointment. In an honest conversation, this is how I process it with Jesus.