Monday Musings Podcast
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
291 episodes of Monday Musings Podcast since the first episode, which aired on January 6th, 2020.
Episode 266: How I Have My Quiet Time
January 9th, 2023 | Season 4 | 7 mins 21 secs
author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts
Often people will ask, "What do you do during your quiet time?" or "What devotional are you reading?" So, at the beginning of this new year, I thought it might be helpful to share a few things that help me engage the heart of God in my early morning quiet time. I hope it encourages you.
Episode 265: What If There's More?
January 2nd, 2023 | Season 4 | 3 mins 47 secs
author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts
As we begin a new year, Monday Musings will have a new scaled-down version of our honest conversations. No production. Just you and me in a Monday morning conversation wherever I may be. I pray our times are just as treasured as they have been through all these many years. Also, remember, social media tends to give us no guarantees as to when they will change things up on us yet again. So to get these each Monday without question, you can subscribe on our site to receive them directly to your email inbox. Now to all God will reveal this coming year we move forward in joy. I believe He has much MORE than we’ve ever encountered!
Episode 262: Getting To Heaven Isn't As Easy As We Think
December 26th, 2022 | Season 3 | 7 mins 15 secs
author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts
Jesus breaks it all down to us in these final words of the Sermon on the Mount.
Episode 263: It's All In How You Build
December 19th, 2022 | Season 3 | 1 min 7 secs
author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts
It’s all in how you build whether you’ll be standing after the storms of this life. See, storms are guaranteed. Scripture says it rains on the just and the unjust alike. But very different results are available based on how we build. Let’s end where we began in this year of building stormproof.
Episode 261: Good Gifts
December 12th, 2022 | Season 3 | 4 mins 31 secs
author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts
God knows how to give good gifts. That’s why Jesus teaches us to ask, to seek, and to knock, and trust the heart of your Father.
Episode 260: Pigs and Pearls
December 5th, 2022 | Season 3 | 4 mins 50 secs
bible study, christian, denise jones, devotional, faith, monday musings, reclaiming hearts
Pigs and pearls are actually something Jesus talks about in the Sermon on the Mount. Not everyone can handle the holy moments of our hearts. Jesus makes it clear we need to be careful to whom we offer them.
Episode 259: It’s Just So Easy…
November 28th, 2022 | Season 3 | 1 min 36 secs
bible study, denise jones, devotional, faith, jesus, ministry, monday musings, reclaiming hearts
It’s just so easy isn’t it… pointing out other people’s faults? Yet, Jesus knows so often we are pointing out people’s faults while pretending like we don’t have any.
Episode 258: What If There Is A Fire?
November 21st, 2022 | Season 3 | 1 min 55 secs
bible study, denise jones, devotional, faith, jesus, ministry, monday musings, reclaiming hearts
What would you grab? What matters? What lasts?
Episode 257: When You Fast
November 14th, 2022 | Season 3 | 5 mins 57 secs
bible study, denise jones, devotional, faith, jesus, ministry, monday musings, reclaiming hearts
In the Sermon on the Mount, in order to build stormproof Jesus tells us that fasting should be a part of our life. It’s important you realize the power in this piece of your arsenal as a follower of Jesus Christ.
Episode 256: The Bigness Of Our God
November 7th, 2022 | Season 3 | 5 mins 12 secs
bible study, denise jones, devotional, faith, jesus, ministry, monday musings, reclaiming hearts
Jesus begins and ends The Lord’s Prayer with telling us to focus on the bigness of our God. Knowing this gives us faith for everything in between.
Episode 255: Satan Has Asked For You…
October 31st, 2022 | Season 3 | 2 mins 5 secs
bible study, denise jones, devotional, monday musings, reclaiming hearts
He asked for Peter. He asked for Job. Why wouldn’t he be asking for us? That’s why Jesus tells us how to pray in regards to this enemy of our souls.
Episode 254: The Thief Of Unforgiveness
October 24th, 2022 | Season 3 | 4 mins 48 secs
bible study, denise jones, devotional, monday musings, reclaiming hearts
It really is, you know. It robs destiny and joy and it even robs God’s ability to bestow His best on us. Is it worth it?
Episode 253: Keep Us Alive With Three Square Meals
October 17th, 2022 | Season 3 | 4 mins 22 secs
bible study, denise jones, devotional, monday musings, reclaiming hearts
The Message translation states “keep us alive with three square meals.” We know it as “give us this day our daily bread” in The Lord’s Prayer. We get so focused on the needs of tomorrow. But that is not how Jesus calls us to live or tells us to pray.
Episode 252: Oh, That The World Would Be Set Right
October 10th, 2022 | Season 3 | 5 mins 12 secs
bible study, denise jones, devotional, monday musings, reclaiming hearts
Don’t you long for the day God just makes every wrong right? When all the evil, death, and pain are done away with? We know it will happen one day. But how does Jesus teach us to pray in the meantime?
Episode 251: Why Do We Start With “Our Father?”
October 3rd, 2022 | Season 3 | 2 mins 39 secs
bible study, denise jones, devotional, monday musings, reclaiming hearts
There is a very important reason Jesus tells us to begin prayer with knowing who our Father is. Let’s talk about it on this Monday morning.
Episode 250: Not “If” You Pray, But “When”
September 26th, 2022 | Season 3 | 2 mins 41 secs
bible study, denise jones, devotional, faith, god, jesus, monday musings, reclaiming hearts
We pray differently in different seasons. Sometimes they are raw. Sometimes it’s hard. Sometimes they are tender. But the most important thing is that we pray.