Monday Musings Podcast

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

291 episodes of Monday Musings Podcast since the first episode, which aired on January 6th, 2020.

  • Episode 248: We Interrupt These Musings Again…

    September 12th, 2022  |  Season 3  |  6 mins 34 secs
    denise jones, devotional, faith, god, jesus, ministry, monday musings, reclaiming hearts

    Another interruption in our series called Stormproof today, because sometimes you just need to. This week we talk about how the spirit of deception seems to be the spirit of this age.

  • Episode 247: We Interrupt These Musings…

    September 5th, 2022  |  Season 3  |  7 mins 24 secs
    bible, denise jones, devotional, faith, god, jesus, ministry, monday musings, reclaiming hearts

    From the schoolhouse to their bedroom, your child is bombarded by the enemy. A parent is their first line of defense. That’s why God chose you.

  • Episode 246: Oh, Those Growing Pains!

    August 29th, 2022  |  Season 3  |  3 mins 38 secs
    bible study, christian, denise jones, devotional, faith, monday musings, reclaiming hearts

    Could it be that much of what we are seeing today is because of a maturity problem in the Body of Christ? Isn’t that a sobering thought? God has been so patient with us. What is preventing us from being the mature Body of Christ we are called to?

  • Episode 245: What Does Your Heart Do With A Real Enemy?

    August 22nd, 2022  |  Season 3  |  4 mins 10 secs
    bible study, christian, denise jones, devotional, faith, monday musings, reclaiming hearts

    It’s so hard to love those who truly desire our destruction. In fact, separate from Jesus, I would say it is impossible. But there really is a way to live in order to be stormproof even when an enemy rears their head.

  • Episode 244: But What If They Have Hurt Me?

    August 15th, 2022  |  Season 3  |  4 mins 18 secs
    bible study, christian, denise jones, devotional, divorce, faith, monday musings, reclaiming hearts

    It is so normal to want to get what is coming to us. Especially when we have been hurt or abused. But Jesus has called us to live a different way. Not always easy. But no less true.

  • Episode 243: How Good Is Your Word?

    August 8th, 2022  |  Season 3  |  4 mins 18 secs
    bible study, christian, denise jones, devotional, faith, monday musings, reclaiming hearts

    Fewer things in life are manipulated like words. We use them to try to get our way. To embellish something about ourselves. To make others feel good. But Jesus says we need to mean what we say. He even looks at the hearts behind our words and believe it or not, our words can determine whether we are still standing after the storm.

  • Episode 242: The Pain Of Divorce

    August 1st, 2022  |  Season 3  |  7 mins 49 secs
    bible study, christian, denise jones, devotional, divorce, faith, monday musings, reclaiming hearts

    Ronald Reagan created no-fault divorce in the state of California, and he later said it would become one of the greatest mistakes of his life. The moral unraveling of our nation could be placed at the feet of divorce and the damage it has created in our families. What might Jesus desire to say?

  • Episode 241: How Extreme Are We Willing To Be?

    July 25th, 2022  |  Season 3  |  4 mins 46 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    Jesus is going even farther this week. He is all up in our stuff. But, He is always about our protection. Sometimes in building a stormproof life, we might actually have to be extreme in the way we build.

  • Episode 240: Now On To Adultery

    July 18th, 2022  |  Season 3  |  3 mins 55 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    It really is the little things in building a stormproof life. Adultery doesn’t start with an action, but a thought. Just like murder begins in the heart. But both can destroy a home quickly.

  • Episode 239: Your Move

    July 11th, 2022  |  Season 3  |  5 mins 44 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    We can’t always mend all relationships. Yet that is so rare and has become something often used as an excuse for healing in this day and age. But to live stormproof we have to live contrary to how we feel. It is our responsibility to keep our hearts open to the possibility of having broken relationships mended.

  • Episode 238: What If Healing That Relationship Depends On You?

    July 4th, 2022  |  Season 3  |  3 mins 55 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    Relationships are hard. Messy. Jesus knew that. His were, too. So, He gives us directives to keep our hearts aware when challenges arise in our relationships. What may He be asking of you on this Monday morning?

  • Episode 237: Committed Murder Lately?

    June 27th, 2022  |  Season 3  |  6 mins 22 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    When Jesus showed up, boy He just stirred up all kinds of things. Life went from our actions to our heart. In light of that, we might be surprised at how that changes things for us, too. God expects us to live a different way.

  • Episode 236: Clear and Present Danger

    June 20th, 2022  |  Season 3  |  5 mins 21 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    Are you aware of the most clear and present danger to your heart, your family, our nation, or this world? Today, we will discover what that is.

  • Episode 235: What Is The One Thing That Will Never Wear Out?

    June 13th, 2022  |  Season 3  |  4 mins 28 secs
    author, biblestudy, christian, denisejones, devotional, faith-based, god, jesus, mondaymusings, reclaiminghearts

    I’ve realized my body is fading fast. Things are wearing out that I thought would still be around for a few more years. But there is one thing that no matter what happens to us or this world, it is as sure as can be. And I’m so grateful to know this is true.

  • Episode 234: What Does Your Vulnerability Afford Others?

    June 6th, 2022  |  Season 3  |  4 mins
    #denisejones #mondaymusings #reclaiminghearts #biblestudy #devotional #christian #faith-based #author #jesus #god

    I’ve learned through the years at our Weekend Experiences, that the number one thing people comment on is mine and Philly’s willingness to be vulnerable. That it gave them the freedom to do the same. That is what light does. It attracts. Let’s consider this. On this Monday morning.

  • Episode 233: How Good Are You At Hiding?

    May 30th, 2022  |  Season 3  |  6 mins 8 secs
    #denisejones #mondaymusings #reclaiminghearts #biblestudy #devotional #christian #faith-based #author #jesus #god

    My former pastor, Rice Broocks used to say the most sobering moment at the bar was when all the lights came up and people finally found out who they’d actually been dancing with all night. The only way darkness ever wins is if the light goes into hiding.